
Future School: Re- Thinking Education

Future School was created out of the intention of re- writing the narrative around education. The vision is to create a space that starts from scratch, generating a fully integrated and adaptable learning experience that is beautiful and socially relevant. Throughout this project I have treated the school as if it was a 'hospitality space', translating the experience you would have at a technologically advanced five star hotel or Michelin- starred restaurants. This reconsideration permeates everything from the material features of the environment to designing the interactions of the school staff with their students. Beyond being aesthetically pleasing, material selection began with the question of 'what waste is available that we can reuse, so that we can make a space that leads young people to think of social responsibility from the start?' The features of the school are also determined by this notion of thinking beyond examination and into connecting with the earth and its people. In our 'conversational design' we have also included ways for which teachers are reviewed by their students. We are all too familiar with people who are masters of their subject but not of communicating it. The school eatery serves as an educational experience for young people to learn about nutrition and the impact their meals has on the planet. We are of the belief that if you start with the right mindset early in life, then we have a greater chance of constructing that a future that is nourishing for both the individual and the whole.

Further details about this project can be read here. 

Words by Natasha J. Hussein