
A question of terminology — experience

Colour Basketball, Mireia Ruiz // Does changing the colours of basketball transform the experience of the game? 

Colour Basketball, Mireia Ruiz // Does changing the colours of basketball transform the experience of the game? 

If experience exists because of our sensory perception, then where does an object end and an experience begin? What characteristics makes an object an experience? What characteristics of a service make it an experience as opposed to a repeat convenience to which we are numb? How do we make sense of the experiences of others? How do we know what was significant to guests? Experiences are typically referred to in the technological sense (the ‘User Experience’) and in the design of an interior ‘the creation of interior experience’ and the position of colour and the artefacts within the space in such a way that is appeal to the psychology of the guest — making the space alluring, inviting and even able to induce particular emotions. When we build on that, how then do we create an experience that is meaningful and emotionally resonant? Can we create experiences that induce closer connection, love or a ‘coming back to ones self’?  

Words by Natasha J. Hussein